Filipe Portela
IOTECH - Innovation on Technology
Filipe Portela is the CEO & Founder of IOTech
Last Publications
Patent: Filipe Portela, Gisela Fernandes. Method to execute offline data analysis. Portugal PT. ID. 116393, IPC: G06F 16/00 (2019.01). IOTECHPIS Innovation on Technology, LDA . (2022).
2022/2023: UM - Programming and Algorithms (Coordinator) | Web Interfaces (Coordinator), Web Programming (Coordinator), Artificial Intelligence
2022/2023: 10 students in MEGSI and 1 in MHD
ioCity; ioScience; ioConnect: BE@T; RDProfile and CoLogistics
Conferences - Organizing Committee
ARTIIS 2022, ICPEC2022, AI4IS@EPIA'22; AIM@EPIA'22; FiCloud 2022; IKIT2022
Books and Journal: Special Issues
Guest Editor of Topical Collection Innovative People-Centered Solutions Applied to Industries, Cities and Societies" (MDPI Future Internet) and "Trends of Data Science and Knowlege Discovery" (MDPI Future Internet) | Editor of Informatics (FCA) | Guest Editor of Special Issue of "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine" (Journal of Medical Systems) and "Pervasive Intelligent Data Systems" (Information Journal) | Others
Intelligent Systems and Decision Support
The main goal of this page is promoting scientific events in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
"Data Science allows smart Decisions"
Soft and Technical Skills