Carlos Filipe Portela was born in Trofa, Portugal and went to the University of
Minho in Guimarães, where he studied information systems and obtained his academic degrees in 2007
(Lic), 2009 (MSc) and 2013 (PhD).
Filipe Portela holds a PhD in Information Systems and Technologies. He is an integrated researcher
at Research Centre ALGORITMI, where he developed his post-doctoral research work on the topic
"Pervasive Intelligent Decision Support Systems". His research started in the INTCare R&D
project (Intensive Medicine area), then extended to other areas like education, public
administration, industry and smart cities. He already has many relevant indexed publications in the
main research topics: Knowledge Discovery, Data Science, Gamification, Intelligent Systems and
Pervasive Data. He is also (co)organizer of several conferences and workshops, (co) editor of
journals and books and reviewer of many indexed journals, books and conferences on these topics.
Currently, he is also an Invited Assistant Professor of the Information Systems Department, School
of Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal, where he supervises several master students in the
areas mentioned above. Filipe Portela found IOTech - Innovation on Technology in 2018. He is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
and Chief Innovation and Research Officer (CIRO) of IOTech, where he is transferring and applying their scientific knowledge for the benefit
of the citizens and companies.
Since he is a researcher (since 2008), he is working in the Medicine area and, more
recently, in Education, Smart Cities and Industry 4.0. Some relevant results were achieved during his research and
participation in several projects, being the following the most relevant:
- 2024-2025 (PRR):ioGarbage - Smart Garbage Management with gamification (Principal Investigator);
- 2024-2024 (EuroBoosTEX):Smart Life-cycle assessment (LCA) (R&D Coordinator);
- 2023-2025 (PRR): GiaTex - Water Smart Management at Textiles (R&D Line Coordinator);
- 2023-2025 (PRR): Agrovila - Farmer Short Circuits marketplace (R&D Line Coordinator);
- 2022-2025 (PRR): BE@T - Bioeconomy at Textiles;
- 2021-2023 (PT2020): ioCity - The city doesn't wait (Principal Investigator);
- 2020-2020 (PT2020): ioCOVID19 - Intelligent Decision Support Platform (Principal Investigator);
- 2020-2025: TechTeach - A innovative method to increase the students engagement at classrooms (Principal Investigator);
- 2019-2025: ioScience - An offline Data Science method (Principal Investigator);
- 2008-2015 (FCT): INTCare - A Pervasive Intelligent Decision Support System to Intensive Care;
- 2016-2019 (PT2020): DEM - Deus Ex Machina.
He also participated in several conferences as chair and speaker. Simultaneously, he is editor and
member of scientific and program committees (conferences, books and journals). All
Participations, Committees,
Organizations and Editorial
Board can be consulted in the respective link.
The following participations should be highlighted:
- Technical Writer
- Introdução à Algoritmia e Programação com Python (2023)
- Desenvolvimento Avançado para a Web (2020)
- Introdução ao Desenvolvimento Moderno para a Web (2018)
- (Co)Editor
- Sustainable, Innovative and Intelligent Societies and Cities (Springer Book)
- Next-Generation Applications and Implementations of Gamification Systems (IGI Book)
- Innovative People-Centered Solutions Applied to Industries, Cities and Societies (Future Internet Journal)
- Trends of Data Science and Knowdge Discovery (Future Internet Journal)
- Data Science and Knowdge Discovery (Future Internet Journal)
- Artificial Intelligence and Medicine (Journal of Medical Systems)
- (Co)Organizer
- AI4IS@EPIA - Artificial Intelligence for Industry and Society (since 2022)
- AIM@EPIA - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (since 2014)
- ARTIIS - International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information,
Innovation and Sustainability (since 2020)
- FiCloud - International Conference on Future Internet of Things
- ICPEC - International Computer Programming Education Conference
- IKIT - International Workshop on Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Thinks (since 2020)
- ISTIIS - International Symposium on Technological Innovations for Industry and Society (since 2023)
His research is focused on some Artificial Intelligence and Gamification areas, where he already has
several prominent publications that can be consulted at
During this period he had/was:
- Principal Investigator of Research Projects (2020-present);
- Postdoctoral scholarship (2014-2015);
- PhD scholarship (2010-2013);
- Research scholarship INTCare (2008-2009);
and achieved
- Scientific Articles: 247
- Editorial: 30
- Scientific Committees: 84
- Peer-reviews: 712
- Journal article reviews: 231
- H-Index (Scopus): 18
- Organizing Committees: 67
- Co(Chair): 7
At academic level, since joining the UM, he stood out for his commitment,
dedication and participation in several activities, where he has been playing several roles:
- Co-Founder and member of Gamification Communities of Practice - IDEA@UM (2021 - present);
- Coordinator of Web Programming Subjects at Information System Department (2016 - present);
- Member of Information System Department Commission (2016 - present);
- Member of Information System Department Commission (in representation of Invited professors)
(2014 - 2016);
- Member of the Monitoring commission of Quality Assurance Internal System (SIGAQ-UM) (2012 -
- Member of the Academic Senate (Pedagogical Council and Plenary) (2011 - 2013);
- Member of the Pedagogic Council at Engineering School (EEUM) (2010 - 2013);
- Representative of all students in the 3rd cycle (PhD) at EEUM (2010 - 2013);
- Representative of Doctoral Program in Information System and Technologies students (2010 -
- Member of the Student Representatives Committee in the UM Quality System accreditation and
evaluation process (2012);
- Delegate of Courses (2005 - 2009);
- Member of the Engineering School Council and Course Commission (2005 - 2009);
- Co-founder of Portuguese AIS Student Chapter (AISSC@UM) (2010);
- Chairman of the General Assembly at AISSC@UM (2013);
- Chairman of the Electoral Commission at AISSC@UM (2012);
- Chairman of the Fiscal Board at AISSC@UM (2012);
- Treasurer at AISSC@UM (2010 - 2011).
Since his election to the school organs at the UM in 2005, he has had the
opportunity to participate in numerous assessment activities / educational management: Analysis,
validation and approval of
various courses (extinction, creation and modification):
- Evaluation of the Quality System of UM;
- Participation in electoral commissions;
- Contribution to the restructuring of the UM Academic Rules;
- Promotion of activities and events that enhance the intervention and participation of students,
teachers, researchers and professionals;
- Reformulation of many courses according to the Bologna process;
Finally, he also developed some teaching activities:
- Invited Assistant Professor in Information Systems Department at UM (2015 / April - present);
- Co-supervisor / Supervisor of Master's theses / projects (2011 / September - present);
- Professor at Qualifica-IT (2018);
- Invited Adjunct Professor in Informatics Department at UM (2018-2020);
- Guest Lecturer in ESEIG/ESMAD at IPP (2015 / April - 2018);
- Member of MsC juries / panels (2011 – present);
- Guest lecturer in Information Systems Department at UM (2013 - 2015);
- Assistant lecturer (Volunteer) in Business Intelligence subjects (2010 - 2013).
During this period he had
- Finished supervisions: 91
- Teaching Subjects: 82
- Academic Juries: 153
In the Society, he is looking to be an active citizen and participate in the local decisions:
- Member of Bougado Assembly (2021-present);
- Candidate to Bougado Assembly (2021);
- Member of Council Politic Commission (2018–present);
- Member of Municipal Council (2017–2021);
- Member of National Committee (2014–2018);
- Inherent member of District Politic Commission and Council Politic Commission (2014–2018);
- Candidate to Municipality Council (2013, 2017, 2021);
- Member of Santiago Bougado Assembly and opposition leader (2009-2013);
- First candidate for Santiago Bougado Parish Council (2009);
- Member of the Council Politic Commission (2010-2012);
- Founder and president of the Youth of Santiago de Bougado (2008-2009);
- Member of the Santiago de Bougado Section Secretariat (2008–present).
Regarding the process of Transfering knowledge to the
society he
- Founded IOTech - Innovation on Technology
- Developed an Inovative and Disrupetive Training Academy - ioAcademy
- Created a new method able to do provide Data Science models in offline (Provisional Patent
- Published 3 Books (3 of them are Technical)
- Designed and implemented an innovative approach to increase the Students Engagement at Classrooms (TechTeach)
- Proposed/developed projects in the area of HealthCare, Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Logistics,
Education and Digital Transformation
- Participation in 84 projects (84.52% of Technological Development)
- Participated as Consultor / Mentor in several projects (free of fees)
- Participated in International events (e.g. WebSummit, Digital Business Congress APDC, 360 Tech
- Participated in several Academic and Society events (TSI.2.Market, Dia do Emprego, Plug-in, Visitas, Liftoff, others))
Member of Groups and Associations:
- Consultor at EPIC Júnior Empresa (2023-present)
- MadeIN Mentor Network (2021-present)
- Information, Communication and Electronic Technologies Cluster (TICE.PT) (2021-present)
- CoLogistics Business Accelerator (2021-2022)
- Gamification Communities of Practice at University of Minho (2021-present)
- National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) (2020-present)
- MADE-IN Generation (2020-present)
- Startup Portugal (2019-present)
- Business Association of Baixo Ave (AEBA)(2019-present)
- Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APIA) (2016-present)
- Portuguese Association of Information Systems (APSI/PTAIS) (2013-present)
Areas of Interest:
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Cities
- Higher Education
- Digital Transformation and e-commerce
- Local and Public Administration
- Science, Research and Innovation
Main Research areas:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
- BYOD and PWA
- Data Mining and Data Analytics
- Data Science
- Gamification
- Intelligent Decision Support Systems
- Interoperability
- Knowledge Discovery
- Machine-Learning
- Pervasive Data
- Technology Assessment