
IDNameStartFinishEntityRoleStateParticipation in Proposal
PrémioIN3+429NumisTech360 – Plataforma de preservação e divulgação do património cultural 20242026UMPrincipal Investigaor, Project Manager and Application CoordinatorNot FundingYES
EuroBoosTEX Smart LCA20242024EuroBoosTEX | TearfilPrincipal Investigator, Project Manager and Supervisoron GoingYES
ACAD-UM-IITSI-10Estratégias e práticas de sustentabilidade na sociedade e nas organizações20242024UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
EXT-SERV-10SOC Gestão Energia2024Pleno EnergiaAdvisor / Consultanton GoingNA
EXT-SERV-11SOC Gestão de Processos Metalomecânica2024Sucorema - TefagesuAdvisor / Consultanton GoingNA
PRR-C05-i03-I-000166AgroVila - Organização da agricultura familiar através de processos digitais para o desenvolvimento de circuitos curtos agroalimentares20232025PRR - IFAP | IPCCo-promoter & Research Line Leader & Supervisoron GoingYES
ST-Voucher-1779ioCity - Garbage - Módulo para Gestão de resíduos orgânicos20232025PRR - VoucherPrincipal Investigator, Project Manager, and Application Coordinatoron GoingYES
EXT-SERV-09Aplicação Mobilidade Inclusiva e Acessível20232023Q-Better | Fundação AlticeProject Manager and SupervisorFinishedNA
ACAD-UM-IITSI-06Bibliotecas científicas – Um estudo atualizado20232024UMProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
IO-APP-26ioCity - A cidade não espera2023IOTECHPrincipal Investigator, Project Manager and Application Coordinatoron GoingYES
ACAD-UM-IITSI-09A usabilidade das aplicações num contexto inclusivo – Documentação e Testes20232024UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
IO-APP-25ioEnergy - Controlo e Monitorização Inteligente da Energia em Tempo-Real2023IOTECHProject Manager and Mentoron GoingNA
PRR-02/C12-i01/202BE@T – Bioeconomy at Textile20222025PRR - Fundo Ambiental | CITEVECo-promoter & Supervisoron GoingYES
PRR-C644943052-00000050GIATEX – Gestão Inteligente da Água na ITV20222025PRR - Agendas Mobilizadoras | AdalbertoCo-promoter & Research Line Leader & Supervisoron GoingYES
IO-APP-22ioConnect - The ecosystem of machines, systems and humans2022IOTECHProject Manager and Mentoron GoingNA
IO-APP-24ioBusiness - Digital Transition and Industry 5.02022IOTECHProject Mentor and Supervisoron GoingNA
ACAD-UM-IITSI-07Gamify the Work20222022UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
EXT-SERV-07Data Science project I - Filas de Espera Inteligentes e otimizadas20222023Q-BetterProject Manager and SupervisorFinishedNA
EXT-SERV-08Data Science project II - Gestão de Energia Inteligente20222023Q-BetterProject Manager and SupervisorFinishedNA
2022-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000089215 EMPOWER DIGI TEACH20222025EU’s programme ERASMUS+ KA220-HEDResearch Teamon GoingNO
NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-045397ioCity - A cidade não espera20212023PT2020 - SI&IPrincipal Investigaor, Project Manager and Application CoordinatorFinishedYES
ACAD-UM-PTSI-05SERVMONIT - Monitoring the servers20212021UM | IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedPTSI
ACAD-ESMAD-STAGE-01mSurvey - O teu questionário online20212021IOTECH | ESMADProject Manager and MentorFinishedStage
ACAD-ESMAD-STAGE-02QRGame - Fun Play outsider20212022IOTECH | ESMADProject Manager and MentorFinishedStage
ACAD-UM-IITSI-01Uma visão analítica dos projetos PT2020 aprovados20212021UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
ACAD-UM-IITSI-02Data Analytics of Occurences20212021UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
ACAD-UM-IITSI-03Convolutional neural network – A State of the Art20212021UMProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
EXT-CoLogistics-01Logistics Interoperability20212022IOTECHSupervisor and Application CoordinatorFinishedYES
VCC/ALG-01/2021 Offline data analytics using structured and unstructured collections20212021UM | IOTECHPrincipal Investigator, Project Manager and SupervisorFinishedYES
ACAD-UM-IITSI-05A aprendizagem dos ChatBots20212022UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
ACAD-UM-IITSI-04Cidades Inteligentes em Portugal – O estado atual20212022UM | IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFinishedIITSI
ACAD-ESMAD-ESMAPP-02mGrocery – Gestão Online da Despensa20212022IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedESMAPP
IO-APP-23ioGame - Play outside20212022IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFrozenNA
IO-APP-19ioAssessment - Assess the Quality of Your Team20202022IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
ACAD-UM-IITSI-08RDProfile - Webplatform for monitoring research profiles20202021UMProject Manager, Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
ACAD-UM-PTSI-04IOBOT - Intranet c\ ChatBot20202021UM | IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedPTSI
NORTE-01-02B7-FEDER-048344ioCOVID19 - Plataforma Inteligente de Apoio à Decisão20202020PT2020 - SI&IPrincipal Investigator, Project Manager, and Application CoordinatorFinishedYES
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-04QGame20202020IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
EXT-SERV-05Castelbel - B2B/B2C Plataform20202022IOTECH | CastelbelSupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-16ioSocial - IOTech Social Network Platform20202020IOTECH | ESMADProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
EXT-SERV-06ECOnnect Portugal20202022IOTECH | ECOnnectAdvisor / ConsultantFinishedNA
ACAD-ESMAD-ESMAPP-01WGame – Gamify your Work20202021IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedESMAPP
IO-APP-21ioVoucher - The network of Business20202022IOTECHProject Manager and MentorFrozenNA
IDEA-PROJ-01Virtual Standardized Patient Chatbot - A Tool for Performance Improvement in Undergraduate Medical Students 20202022UM | IDEAMentorFinishedNA
NORTE-02-0651-FEDER-040666IOTECH - Vale Incubação20192020Compete 2020Project Manager and Application CoordinatorFinishedYES
IO-APP-13ioEduc - Innovation on Education20192022IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-11ioHub - The network of services20192020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-12ioServ - IOTech platform of Services2019IOTECHProject MentorFrozenNA
ACAD-UM-PTSI-02BLOCKFlow – Gestão de Fluxos com blockchain20192019UM | IOTECHProject ManagerFinishedPTSI
ACAD-UM-PTSI-03NETIN – Intranet da IOTech20192019UM | IOTECHProject ManagerFinishedPTSI
IO-APP-15ioNews - All IOTech news in one Place20192020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-17ioPress - IOTech Newsletter20192021IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFrozenNA
EXT-SERV-01ioP2P20192019IOTECH | VsvbizSupervisorFinishedNA
EXT-SERV-02Store support20192020IOTECH | CastelbelSupervisorFinishedNA
EXT-SERV-03ToBeGreen20192020IOTECH | ToBeGreenSupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-18ioChat - The place where the work begins20192021IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-20ioNet - Intranet da IOTech20192021IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
LxDataLabLaboratório de Dados Urbanos de Lisboa (LxDataLab)20192020UM | CMLCo-Manager of Project and ResearcherFinishedNA
IO-APP-03ioFee - The easiest way to manage the fee of your members20192020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-14ioScience - Offline DataScience2019IOTECHPrincipal Investigator, Project Mentor and Monitoron GoingNA
IO-APP-01ioAcademy - The IOTech training academy2018IOTECHProject Manager, Supervisor and Mentoron GoingNA
IO-APP-02ioHub - The network of services20182019IOTECHProject ManagerFinishedNA
ACAD-UM-PTSI-01DMICU - Data Mining ICU20182018UM | CHPProject ManagerFinishedPTSI
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-09mCook20182018IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-10mPark20182018IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-01webCV20182018IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-02webChart20182018IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-03webForm20182018IOTECH | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
IO-APP-04ioPayment - IOTech Payment System20182020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-05ioAccount - IOTech Accounts System20182020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-07ioAttend - Make your attendance with mobile phone2018 IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFrozenNA
IO-APP-08ioTracking - WebSummit test20182018IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
IO-APP-09ioAgent - IOTech Agent20182020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFrozenNA
IO-APP-10ioGuest - The entrance door of Guests20182020IOTECHProject Mentor and SupervisorFinishedNA
EXT-RD-04Business Intellience in Misericórdias20172018SCM Rib'AveResearch TeamFinishedNA
EXT-RD-05MIEGSI@ALL20172018CFPProject ManagerFinishedNA
EXT-RD-06WebICU20172018UM | CHPProject ManagerFinishedPTSI
EXT-RD-07DBIM20172018UM | SCMProject ManagerFinishedNA
ACAD-ESMAD-PW-01WorldEvents20172018CFP | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedPW
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-05mTicket20172018CFP | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-066Quiz20172018CFP | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-07LogSpot20172018CFP | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
ACAD-ESMAD-PROJII-08WebComunic20172018CFP | ESMADProject ManagerFinishedProjeto II
IO-APP-06ioEduc - Innovation on Education20172019CFP | IOTechProject Manager, Mentor and DeveloperFinishedNA
POCI-02-0550-FEDER-007802Estabelecer um Sistema de Gestão da Segurança da Informação Clínica e um Sistema de Gestão de Serviços de TI no CHP20162018Compete 2020Application TeamFinishedYES
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000026Deus ex Machina (DEM): Symbiotic technology for societal efficiency gains20162019PT2020 - FraunhoferResearch TeamFinishedYES
POCI-02-0550-FEDER-012643CHP_TSI_DESMAT_2015 .: Desmaterialização e automatização de processos clinico-administrativos, como suporte a novos modelos organizacionais20162018Compete 2020Research TeamFinishedYES
EXT-RD-03Pervasive Data Mining Engine20152019-Research Team and MentorFinishedNA
PTDC/EEI-SII/1302/2012INTCARE II - Intelligent Decision Support System for Intensive Care20142015FCTResearcherFinishedYES
EXT-RD-01Pervasive BI Platform in Maternity Care in CMIN;20132015CMINResearch TeamFinishedNA
EXT-RD-02Pervasive BI Solution in Local Government in Guimarães Town Hall20132015CMGResearch TeamFinishedNA
PTDC/EIA/72819/2006INTCARE - Intelligent Decision Support System for Intensive Care20082012FCTResearcherFinishedNO
PTDC/EEI-SII/5146/2014HealthMeDS - Pervasive Business Intelligence System for HealthCare and Medicine Decision Support--FCTPrincipal InvestigatorNot FundingYES
PTDC/EEI-SII/5116/2014INTCARE III - Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Inteligente para Medicina Intensiva--FCTResearch TeamNot FundingYES
EU-PT2020-01PBI - Pervasive Business Intelligence--PT2020Research TeamNot FundingYES
EU-PT2020-02INTCARE III - Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Inteligente para Medicina Intensiva--PT2020Research TeamNot FundingYES
SEP-210258731YouthUp--H2020Research TeamDroppedYES
EU-727705 EMERGE--H2020Research TeamNot FundingYES
ACAD-ESMAD-STAGE-03Education Application Support--ESMADProject SupervisorDroppedStage
EXT-DGERT-01ioAcademy - Certification of training entity--DGERTProject Managernot ApprovedYES
NORTE-02-0651-FEDER-044940ioTracking - Monitoriza tudo à tua volta--Compete 2020Project Manager and Application CoordinatorNot FundingYES
EXT-SERV-04MediSlot-.IOTECH | MediSlotSupervisorDroppedNA
SC1-DTH-02-2020 | 101017480Behavioural Change Applying Personalized Health Monitoring over Big Data--National and Kapodistrian University of AthensExternal Advisory BoardNot FundingNO
EXT-DIGITVC-01Leiper360 - An interoperable and circular digital platform to the Leiper ecosystem.--Leiper | IOTECHSupervisor, ApplicationNot FundingYES - Children’s right to the city: mapping young citizens’ educational experiences and urban utopias--CERV-2022SupervisorNot FundingNO
FCT-2022.06369.PTDCRDProfile - The researcher's scientific curriculum--FCTProject Manager and SupervisorNot FundingYES
MPr-2023-12 - SACCCT LEGAS Testamentos do Norte - Edição, disponibilização digital e estudo de fontes manuscritas para a História do Português e do Mirandês (s. XVI-XIX) --FCTResearch Team MemberApplicationYES
MPr-2023-12 - SACCCTNarraCiêncIA - Narrativas multimodais geradas por Inteligência Artificial a partir de textos de especialidade em acesso aberto--FCTResearch Team Member (Core CV)ApplicationYES
OC-2023-1-26733Acceleration Smart Cities Education Network UMResearcherApplicationNO